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Dissapointment with Mazinger Z Part 3 Perfect set - Printable Version

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Dissapointment with Mazinger Z Part 3 Perfect set - amakusa007 - 10-27-2004

I just got the Mazinger Z Part 3 Perfect set & I can say stay away from this set.

They improve the video quality on the set.Same with the audio source.Here's the Downfall
They used the same old subs that was released on the old set.Like before names & attack names are all wrong.The storyline on the subs makes no sense.The only thing different is that they use 3 DVDS instead of 4 & they add3ed the italian subs.I can't comment on the italian subs & the chinese subs cause I can't understand it.

I am still waiting for Part 2 to arrive to me & as soon I get it I will post a review on this set also.Hope the were smart & actually decided to fix the subs on the english department & not use the same old subs form the old set like this one.