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Kino's Journey? - Mantis421 - 10-20-2004

Have any of you had a chance to check this series out yet? I keep seeing it was done by the same person who did Lain. I am curious to see if it is anywhere near as good as Lain or better?

Kino's Journey? - Last Exile - 10-20-2004

Sucked ASS !
this is a crapy series and very crappy Dubb, this is a series i would stay away from. i myself didnt like it !


Kino's Journey? - Vicious - 10-20-2004

I didn't like Lain at all. Didn't even get past the 2nd episode. But I did think Kino was better than I expected. Nothing groundbreaking, but def worth a rental and watching through at least once.

Kino's Journey? - Cidien - 10-21-2004

Last Exile Wrote:Sucked ASS !
this is a crapy series and very crappy Dubb, this is a series i would stay away from. i myself didnt like it !


Havn't watched mine yet but now I wanna hurry and buy disc 3 to complete my set and sit down and watch it.

Kino's Journey? - WandererX12 - 10-25-2004

It's very bland, and after volume one, I couldnt decide how I felt about it. There isn't much stringing episodes together, so there's really no need to see the next one. Kino's journey isn't motivated by a magical scroll or a mission to save the world. Kino travels for the sake of traveling. Go somewhere, learn about it, go somewhere else. If you like watching the Travel Channel, I think Kino's a good choice. I love them both, but neither one is somthing you can get very excited about. I wish the novels were in english, I'd like to journey further.... wow that was bad.
Now then, was anyone else who saw it blindsided by episode 3 or was I the only one?

Kino's Journey? - Vicious - 10-25-2004

WandererX12 Wrote:It's very bland, and after volume one, I couldnt decide how I felt about it. There isn't much stringing episodes together, so there's really no need to see the next one. Kino's journey isn't motivated by a magical scroll or a mission to save the world. Kino travels for the sake of traveling. Go somewhere, learn about it, go somewhere else. If you like watching the Travel Channel, I think Kino's a good choice. I love them both, but neither one is somthing you can get very excited about. I wish the novels were in english, I'd like to journey further.... wow that was bad.
Now then, was anyone else who saw it blindsided by episode 3 or was I the only one?

Don't remember what happened in episode 3. But I liked Kino because each episode had a different town. I wanted to see what unique thing they came up with for each one.

Kino's Journey? - WandererX12 - 10-26-2004

Oops, should have been episode four not three. The Land of Adults.

Kino's Journey? - Mantis421 - 10-26-2004

OK so I sould ask coming from someone like me that enjoyed Series experiment Lain, do you guys think I sould at least give Kino a look?

Kino's Journey? - Luckyday - 10-26-2004

I enjoyed Lain, and Kino's journey had much of the same surreal feel. However, that is pretty much the only way that they are similar. Kino's Journey is like a string of parables, with the same protagonist for each. Kino moves from country to country to experience the variety of histories and cultures they have to offer, but never becomes a part of any one, never really makes judgements on how "good" or bad" a place is. Kino defines herself as a traveler, and never stays in the same country for more than 3 days at a time.

I've talked to a couple of rental places that specialize in anime, and they say that people either rent a disc, watch a couple of episodes, and decide it's not for them, or will finish the whole series very quickly.

I watched all the way though, and enjoyed it, but it's definitely not for everyone. If you're looking for a series with a definite beginning and end, or a real sense of progress, this is not for you. If you're still interested, I'd say it's worth renting the first disc to at least give it a try.

Kino's Journey? - Japschin - 10-26-2004

Actually, I didn't like Lain at all but I sure do like Kino's. Think Kino's has more to do with exploring human nature. So far, I've watched Kino's twice. Think you should give Kino's a try. Rent it if you don't want to risk buying it.