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Fav Episodes #10 Blue Gender - Printable Version

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Fav Episodes #10 Blue Gender - Mantis421 - 10-14-2004

This might be a hard one this week, for I even admit that Blue Gender does play out much the same as Escaflowne. It is a Sci Fi opera much like one long movie, but it still has a handful of episodes that caught my eye more then others. When I first watched Blue Gender I wasent really sure what to think of the series but episode by episode I got sucked in. The story oveal kept me more interested then the Blue or the Mech's. The ending isn't a total let down but it isn't quite what you expext after all the previous episodes with Tony, the last two almost seem unneeded. The episode I picked that for me I had to just stop and think about the meaning of after seeing it is the episode early in the series when Yugi is tring to understand why the people from second earth trat survivers on the planet as already dead. Yugi befriends the little girl Yuin and her dog and promises to save her, but in the end only gets to see her die. As always what was all of your takes or fav's from this series?