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Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - Printable Version

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Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - Last Exile - 10-01-2004


i was siked when i saw this only 2 months away from the realese of the Nintendo DS here is the info i got earlier today:

Nintendo 9/29 - released the final look of the North American retail packaging for its upcoming Nintendo DS system. As expected, the box design emphasizes the included demo of Metroid Prime Hunters, with a large logo and artwork of main character Samus Aran breaking up the otherwise subdued silver-and-black box art.

The announcement went on to mention that the demo would include several single-player modes, as well as the previously announced four-player wireless multiplayer demo. The game's genre has also been confirmed to be "first-person adventure," signifying that the full game should feature a full, robust single-player adventure akin to the console Metroid Prime titles.

The left-side panel of the box, meanwhile, features an image of the PictoChat software that is embedded into the Nintendo DS hardware. The text on the box reads, "Draw, sketch, write, and send wireless messages with the built-in communication tool, PictoChat."

The Nintendo DS is scheduled to be released on November 21 with an suggested retail price of $149.99. Full details on the system's lineup of launch titles are expected to be revealed at press conferences at the end of next week in the US and Japan.

This is so so so so SWEET !
I cant wait to get this system i wish it was out now so i could play it on my trip next week.

well here is a pic of the box.

Tell me your thoughts.


Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - evilomar - 10-01-2004

Holy shit this system looks so awesome. I still think its going to kick the shit out of the PSP. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - Schultz - 10-01-2004

yea i am really looking forward to this system also..

Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - Last Exile - 10-01-2004

I cant wait for this system i neeeeeeeeeeeed it. im going to go to game stop and reserve one tomorrow after work. hopefully they are reserving them. i want to hear what games will launch with it too . i hope a mario game. oh i cant wait. one month and 20 days to go.


Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - -spike- - 10-02-2004

Sweet, I want one. Now only if I had money. Oh well, Ill get one when the price goes down. :o

Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - Last Exile - 10-02-2004

just reserved one at Gamestop. 25$ down.
there are rumors too that it might launch 11/13/04 i hope thats the date it ships cause they need to release it before the biggest shopping day of the year.


Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - dvd_master - 10-02-2004

I love it when Xmas is so close. All the movies, new games and systems are all being put out early in time for people's christmas lists.

But damn that thing looks nice. I think I might actually pick one of these up.

Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - ouijaouija - 10-03-2004

howdy, yes, it is great to see this. I for am torn between which one to buy. Right now I'm leaning towards the psp. For both, the battery life is pretty poor. I think the psp is 10hours. In reality, it is probably 8ish.

Nintendo DS : Release and Final Box Revealed - Last Exile - 10-03-2004

i see it as DS is coming out sooner and thats the one ill get and also if the psp is 300 or more ill pass till the price drops. also i bet the battery life on the psp will die faster cause of the huge screen and having to spin a small disc on the back and also depending on what you are doing like watching a psp dvd or playing a game i bet games drain the battery more then anything.

the DS has two screens but it also manages the power well so it doesnt wate alot.
* Battery & Power Management (of the DS)
The battery is rechargeable and the unit features a low-energy-consumption design. The DS also has Power Management functions of Sleep mode and Standby mode. In Sleep mode, players can stop and resume game play whenever they like. If the user receives a message from a friend or user nearby, DS activates itself from Standby mode.

i know myself ill get every new system on the block so its just a matter of time and prices. i want to see offical prices for games and systems for both parties i know nintendos DS price but not for games yet.