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The Sims 2 - Last Exile - 09-23-2004


just got the new game and its awesome it took me at least 2 hours just to make characters. its awesome. the only thing i dont like so far is the interface to build its harder to build in 3d. they should of put another way to build at times its so hard to see where you are building what, it took me like 6 tries to get just the bottom floor down and straight. oh its cool you can make multiple stories. i have 4 so far im not sure how many you can go up but maybe its unlimited like making a high rise building.

also you can customize your sims so much its crazy i made the cast of Witch hunter robin. its awesome. i want to look around for a modding program where i can maybe scan or get anime characters made so i can but them in there and make me a sim movie or a simanime.

any one else get this sweet game ?
or know where i can get some custom skins ?


The Sims 2 - fahad17 - 09-24-2004

I aint got the game and wont be buying it. Personally I think the whole game is sad. Controlling the moves steps and thought of people seems a bit weird to me. But thats just me.

The Sims 2 - Japschin - 09-24-2004

I'll be getting the game later. Too busy to play right now. I love the Sims since it's idiot proof.
In contrast to fahad's opinion, I love being able to control the people, events, thoughts etc. If I'm in a foul mood, I can simply take it out on the characters, lock them up in the cell and starve them to death. I love being able to build the houses, characters from scratch. I love being able to destroy everything too.

You are in control of the game!

The Sims 2 - Mantis421 - 09-25-2004

I have only played the SIMS a hair but can tell the game in electronic crack, its no different then how pac man or Tetris were you have no idea really who you are playing but you just keep playing like you are gettiing a fix.

The Sims 2 - yukimoritenchen - 10-08-2004

thats like an anime i watched.....................excel saga i believe where the emperor guy was playing one with the peoples lives