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Looking For Voices of a Distant Star and DVD Cases - Printable Version

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Looking For Voices of a Distant Star and DVD Cases - Ryoku Slayer - 09-07-2004

Hey! I am looking for the fixed version of Voices of a Distant Star ( if you don't know what I mean by "fixed" please refer to the animeondvd forums to find out. Also, if you guys have Good condition dvd cases that u guys are either throwing away or not using anymore. please pm me or post here! cause i need cases bad!!!!!!!! X.x I'll pay cash for the cases if u are willing to sell them to me.

Looking For Voices of a Distant Star and DVD Cases - Amethyst - 09-07-2004

Ryoku Slayer Wrote:Also, if you guys have Good condition dvd cases that u guys are either throwing away or not using anymore. please pm me or post here! cause i need cases bad!!!!!!!! X.x I'll pay cash for the cases if u are willing to sell them to me.

It's not difficult to get DVD cases... you can pick them up at most any local stores, (Best Buy, Walmart, Meijer) or online for between .36 & .49 apiece depending on if you want plain black, thinpak, colored or just tinted cases... all you have to do is search for them... here:

US Plastics

Or for that matter, I have lots of empty cases I keep on hand to replace damaged ones, or to put DVDR's in.