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? on Cowboy Bebop - Mantis421 - 08-08-2004

Maybe I missed something in a episode of Cowboy Bebop. I don't have time to look up the episode name but it is the one where everyone except Ed gets bit by some bug ect on the Bebop and Ed eats the thing at the end of the Episode. I don't quite understand in the Episode why Spike wants to get the fridge off the ship like it is a matter of life and death. Did anybody get that part???

? on Cowboy Bebop - Vicious - 08-08-2004

You're tallking about 'Toys in the Attic'. The fridge is where the creature came from. Obviously, there are much worse things festering in that fridge than that creature. So he wants to get it off the ship asap.

? on Cowboy Bebop - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 08-08-2004

Forgive me if my memory is bad, but wasn't the creature a lobster?

? on Cowboy Bebop - Mantis421 - 08-08-2004

Thanks Vicious, That always seemed to be the one episode of Cowboy Bebop that wasent very straight forward. + the what really happens to them at the end is implied also.


"I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though"
D. Wolfwood

? on Cowboy Bebop - Cidien - 08-08-2004

Anyone else notice in one of the episodes of Cowboy Bebop (also too lazy to look it up lol) that the spaceship Columbia is used to fly into space. Sad

? on Cowboy Bebop - Vicious - 08-09-2004

I noticed the spacehip. And that's the reason why they skipped over that episode a few times after the most recent space shuttle accident.

Also, that Toys in the Attic episode is an homage to alot of sci-fi flics. And I know that at the end of Alien, Ripley gets rid of an alien through the escape hatch thingy and I think they do that in some other sci-fi flic too. So that is another reason they made it end like that.

? on Cowboy Bebop - BrikHaus81 - 08-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Forgive me if my memory is bad, but wasn't the creature a lobster?

I believe it was a Ganymede Rock Lobster.

? on Cowboy Bebop - Vicious - 08-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by BrikHaus81
I believe it was a Ganymede Rock Lobster.

That's what he had originally put in there. But I think this was supposed to be some wierd mutation that had grown out of it. Kinda like how fungus and mold starts growing on old bread.

? on Cowboy Bebop - Mantis421 - 08-09-2004

Well the fridge and the fact that they really don't elaborate if the crew of the Bebop get cured. just for arguement sake if I had watched the Episode by itself and didn't see any of the other episodes I would think that everyone except Ed dies. Kind of a gray area on this one

? on Cowboy Bebop - Vicious - 08-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Well the fridge and the fact that they really don't elaborate if the crew of the Bebop get cured. just for arguement sake if I had watched the Episode by itself and didn't see any of the other episodes I would think that everyone except Ed dies. Kind of a gray area on this one

Like I said, the episode was supposed to be an homage to sci-fi flicks. That's how one of them ended - witht ehm all floating in weightlessness. I believe it was 2001: A Space Odyssey. Alot of the Bebop episodes are stand-alone anyways. None of them really tie in except for the Julia-Vicious-Spike thing, a few with Faye and her past, and the two with Jet and his past.

? on Cowboy Bebop - Mantis421 - 08-09-2004

The Episode that stood out for me I liked was Mushroom Samba I laugh every time I see it

? on Cowboy Bebop - Cidien - 08-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
The Episode that stood out for me I liked was Mushroom Samba I laugh every time I see it

I agree, that episode was great.

I think the 'coolest' episode is Pierrot Le Fou. Spike gets his butt kicked in an Amusement park but still wins in the end. Awesome.

? on Cowboy Bebop - Mantis421 - 08-09-2004

That episode has that interesting twist that you end up feeling sorry for Pierrot by the end of the episode I love the ending when Jet calls "I have some info" Spike "dont need it anymore"