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Anyone play text muds? - Printable Version

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Anyone play text muds? - Batz Kage - 09-03-2002

If anyone here plays text muds, you should try Anime Planet (I haven't been there in about a year), or Dragonball Saga.

For Dragonball Saga it's

Port: 7654
IP Address:

If it sounds interesting, keep in mind that it's nothing but text, & if you still would like to know about it, IM me, & I'll try to help you get started.

Anyone play text muds? - JunkieJoe - 09-03-2002

text MUDs... used to love those pre-internet during the BBS era.... since internet it was Ultima Online and then EverQuest... after 2 years of trying to kick EverCrack habit I am proud to say I been clean for almost 3 years now!

Though I been playing Ashron's Call 2 Beta.. but doubt I will subscribe to it when its gonna be out....

Anyone play text muds? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 09-03-2002

Actually I prefer to eat Granola. ^_^ Especially with yogurt.

Anyone play text muds? - Batz Kage - 09-03-2002

*looks at Steve before bursting out in laughter*