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armageddon - fahad17 - 07-24-2004

I bought the Armageddon R2 anime, and watched it last night. And ndid it suck. It has to be one of the worst things ive ever seen. I was like a mini series crammed into 90 mins. U are introduced to a new character 1 min then the next scene there dead. '

armageddon - evilomar - 07-24-2004

Are you talking about Harmagedon? It wasn't that bad but its been at least 10 years since I've seen it. Hey I got an idea, why don't you go review and then help some other poor sucker from buying it, if you hated it so much.

armageddon - tsunami - 07-24-2004

i loved that show. i guess i'm not too critical of stories as long as i enjoy them. you must be hard to please.

armageddon - fahad17 - 07-24-2004

NO it s armageddon.

look at the pic below

armageddon - -spike- - 07-24-2004

Never heard of or seen it.

armageddon - fahad17 - 07-24-2004

dont bother, it starts off with captions of the then thanking every1 involved in the production of it, thanking what tho. I honestalyy didnt like it id give it bout 4/17 . I only got it because it was so cheap and i was curious if it was any good. I was wrong, but oh well.