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Welcome Kakomu - Printable Version

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Welcome Kakomu - DARK OSAMU - 07-07-2004

Since The Kak didn't get a welcome post I'm making it now...better late than never eh?:p Hope you thought this was funny Kak, It was fun making it. You can make a Dark is A Dork thread in return. Heck I'd post how much of a dork I am for making this thread in that if you did. Big Grin

Welcome Kakomu - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 07-07-2004

Welcome Kakomu! I hope you find your stay here pleasurable.:p Big Grin

Welcome Kakomu - kakomu - 07-07-2004

thanks guys, say can someone tell me what an R1 and HK is? lolSmile I see em used all over the place! ROFLWink Smile :p Wink Smile :p

Welcome Kakomu - SirChico - 07-07-2004

Read the FAQ!! :mad: Rolleyes

Just kidding* Big Grin

*I hate using internet slang.. makes me feel that years of learning proper English amounts to WTF, IMO, MMWSCBTBT!? :eek: (yes, that translates to something, nothing coherent, so don't worry about it).

Welcome Kakomu - Vicious - 07-07-2004

Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
thanks guys, say can someone tell me what an R1 and HK is?

Hahahaha. spoken like a true noob.

I don't welcome anyabody anywhere. So don't expect one from me. :mad:

Welcome Kakomu - SirChico - 07-07-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I don't welcome anyabody anywhere. So don't expect one from me. :mad:
And yet you always manage to post in "welcome" threads...

Welcome Kakomu - Vicious - 07-07-2004

Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
And yet you always manage to post in "welcome" threads...

No. Not always. But since he isn't a true noob, I figured I'd post in this one.

Welcome Kakomu - SirChico - 07-07-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
No. Not always. But since he isn't a true noob, I figured I'd post in this one.
Actually that's the same with me.. I feel it's pointless to waste a post on a noob if you never know who will stay and who will be gone in a matter of days.

Welcome Kakomu - DARK OSAMU - 07-07-2004

Be sure to have No Dub vs Sub threads and remember to have fun on the boards. We are all here to help so feel free to ask any questions.:p

Welcome Kakomu - morgorath - 07-07-2004

Welcome Kakomu.. Hey isn't your avatar goku's father? Hey nicce of you to join the boards. Feel free to bug me at anytime hell dark does already right Vicious....

Welcome Kakomu - kristym22 - 07-07-2004

Welcome to the site..Hehe...Even though you were here before me..Well I hope you will have a plesent time when here..Wink Smile