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Wish I could read Japanese!!! - Printable Version

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Wish I could read Japanese!!! - cnanthavong - 06-28-2004

It sux being an Anime/Manga fan living in Japan and u cant read Japanese. I will being living here for 9 more month. If anyone needs or wants something from Japan. Let me know, I could try to find it for u. For example Manga in Japanese if u could read them and model kit such as Gundam. There a store here tat sell nothing but gundam kits. Let me know, later Smile

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - Jiro Komyoji - 06-28-2004

I envy you. Why are you in Japan anyway? I need to go soon so I can extend my vocabulary. I'm still a novice (although I can read JapaneseSmile .)

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - kristym22 - 06-29-2004

Yeah!!! I want to go to Japan sometime.Although I dont know Japanese and I definately cant read it ether but I do want to learn I just need more ambition...Smile

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - gohan32 - 06-29-2004

If you could find Largo's "cool thing" from Megatokyo, that would be awesome.

I don't have anything serious to say, but where in Japan are you?

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - kakomu - 06-29-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
I need to go soon so I can extend my vocabulary.

you could always take a class or buy a book or something...

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - -spike- - 06-29-2004

I took two years of Japanese in high school. It was really hard, but it was fun at the same time.

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - Homeless Joe - 06-29-2004

have you ever heard of muzzy? that crazy monster knows how to speak all sorts of languages.

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - kkun - 06-30-2004

yo gohan, love that megatokyo reference, the cool thing is awesome!!

l33t ru13z

Wish I could read Japanese!!! - Jet Enduro - 06-30-2004

If you need anything read for you, you can try to post a picture of it and we can try to read and/or translate it for you.