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Trade my Chobits R1 for Banner of Stars R1 - Printable Version

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Trade my Chobits R1 for Banner of Stars R1 - Nina182B - 05-02-2004

If you've got Banner of the Stars I and II US release R1 (6 dvds), I'm willing to give you my Chobits US release R1 1-6 (24 episodes) E-mail [email protected] please! Thanks!

Trade my Chobits R1 for Banner of Stars R1 - Japschin - 05-02-2004

Do you have the box of Chobits?

Trade my Chobits R1 for Banner of Stars R1 - Nina182B - 05-03-2004

no i don't have the collector's box. the 6 dvd's were bought separately. this is not the whole collection though. i don't have the 7th dvd which just came out w/ the mini episodes and recap episodes.