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Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Printable Version

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Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Thinders - 05-02-2004


Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Robojack - 05-02-2004

Stay away from both brands, they're both quite poor at playing HKs, in general.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Thinders - 05-02-2004

So what would you say are the best for playing hks?

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Jaded God - 05-02-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Thinders
So what would you say are the best for playing hks?

Go to your local electronics store and take some HK's and try out the players.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - tsunami - 05-03-2004

Do what Jaded said. Personally I have a Philips player and HKs play perfect on it. Don't go by price though cause I have read reviews for $200 Sony players that can't even play R1s with decent quality. There is a site on the internet where people test different media, features and everything else you need to know about a player. Just so you know Samsung is a korean brand so do you think it is quality? From what I've seen some of the top rated players out there are Pioneer. But please do like Jaded said if your that concerned on whether or not a DVD player supports HKs.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - -spike- - 05-03-2004

Yea, I have a phillipus too and I have not had a problem at all.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Thinders - 05-03-2004

True, but I basically have access to three players:
samsung progressive scan
sanyo, (pretty good player, like 150 CAD)
PS2 (everyone says its shit but for some reason mines perfect at playing DVDs)

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - -spike- - 05-03-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Thinders
PS2 (everyone says its shit but for some reason mines perfect at playing DVDs)

Well, thats becuase you prob. have a new model that can play dvds better. I myself have a older model ps2 and it wont play any of my anime at all. I got mine a year after the ps2 come out.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - israfel - 05-03-2004

i have a toshiba dvd/vcr combo and it plays HKs perfectly. I haven't had a problem yet. i read in a different forum that the ps2 lens wasn't designed to handle the constant use of dvd's and they wear out fast. IT happend to my ps2 because i used it for dvd's. so i bought a dvd player, and had the ps2 replaced.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - SirChico - 05-03-2004

My Apex played HK's fine. I loved using it until it decided not to play Love Hina OVA Collection (it won't load it at all). Then I switched to a Samsung and I've been using it since. I've had NO problems with it at all Wink.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Thinders - 05-03-2004

Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
Well, thats becuase you prob. have a new model that can play dvds better. I myself have a older model ps2 and it wont play any of my anime at all. I got mine a year after the ps2 come out.

Actually mines first gen SPCH 30001 i think, but when i got a single disk read error (probably was the disc) i said screw this, i didnt pay $500 for this crap, and got Sony to repair it for free (mind you this was before the class action lawsuit, so i had to get the Better Business Bureau Involved)

When they repaired it, they put in a whole new lens, said on the invoice, and updated the drivers, and since then, its been smooth sailing Big Grin
Well i guess samsung should be able to play the ones i ordered.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Jaded God - 05-03-2004

once again don't use your ps2 to play dvd movies unless you have to. Use a dvd player.. What it is made for.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Thinders - 05-03-2004

Ya i kno, but for a long, time, I HAD TO

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Sheky - 05-03-2004

I have a Philips 727. Plays HK just fine. Region free, and plays PAL and NTSC. Got it dirt cheap too, 80 Cnd, approx 60 US. Try your local Walmart if interested.

Which players are best for Hks? Anyone have experience with Sanyos or Samsungs? - Elcoholic - 05-04-2004

We seem to have constant positive reviews on philips players. I have one to and have no problems with it. It reads the discs that my Ps2 doesn't.