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Double Emails in Outlook Express - Printable Version

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Double Emails in Outlook Express - Jaded God - 04-28-2004

Does anyone know why I get the same email, but twice everytime I get an email in Outlook Express?

I get two copies of every email I get.

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Batz Kage - 04-28-2004

This has happened to me beofre, & although I know no reason why, but my problem didn't last long.

According to my father, he says it's likely a problem with the server.

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Jaded God - 05-03-2004


Double Emails in Outlook Express - Batz Kage - 05-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God

I am assuming the problem did not stop as it did in my case.

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Schultz - 05-04-2004

I don't know what your problem would be as i never used outlook express.. only used outlook.. But i would check your accounts make sure you haven't added it in there twice so your messages are beng downloaded twice.. and i assume your using a pop3 connection not hotmail's integration into outlook express.. make sure that your account delete's mail from the server this is another thing that might.. And also if you have accidently added any filters to your filter rules might cause two messages. but i only had that last problem in outlook when two of my filters matched a email it would copy it twice into a folder.. other then that i don't really know what could be causing your problem..

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Jaded God - 05-04-2004

I use hotmail intergration.. Hotmail is set up to my outlook express.

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Schultz - 05-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God
I use hotmail intergration.. Hotmail is set up to my outlook express.

then i have no idea.. ;o) try deleting your accounts in outlook express and reset them up to use Hotmail again and see if it does..

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Japschin - 05-06-2004

You are lucky to get only double, I got triple the last 2 days. It only stopped an hour ago...............I didn't do anything actually, it just stopped coming in as triple by itself.

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Jaded God - 05-08-2004

Yea but I get double all the time.

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Batz Kage - 05-08-2004

so it's been like that ever since you started using outlook express?
Also have you tried e-mailing the makers of outlook express?

Double Emails in Outlook Express - Jaded God - 05-08-2004

I think it has something to do with hotmail.. I have my real Cable connection email address and I know it doesn't do that.