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who loves their power ball? - Printable Version

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who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-25-2004

I can't put mine down. My best score is 11213 rpms per minute I'm trying to beat the world record which is like 14500. I think my for arms will look like popeyes by the time I get to the world record level.

who loves their power ball? - DARK OSAMU - 04-25-2004

What the HECK is a power ball?

who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-25-2004

go to to find out mor about it. its one of the coolest things I'v seen in a long time

who loves their power ball? - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 04-25-2004

I still don't get exactly what it is or does.Rolleyes

who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-25-2004

I cant explian. its one of those things you havr to see wuth your own eyes.

who loves their power ball? - DARK OSAMU - 04-25-2004

It looks like something for the porn industry.:p

who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-25-2004

it also cures carpeltunnel syndrme

who loves their power ball? - Vile - 04-25-2004

they have these at sharper image. i always stand there in the store trying to figure out how to make it work, but i cant.

how embarrassing.


who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-25-2004

the power balls in shaper image usually dont have the startup string. Anyway it runs on opposite centrifical force, essentially it could power its own battery. Some much energy is produced that it works like a alternator chargeing or running light that shine in a few models of the powerball. Its an amazing device. I recomend everybody to get one. It is very addicting and its challeging as hell. Plus, it builds arm strength where can you go wrong with this little device.

who loves their power ball? - ElVaquero - 04-25-2004

how much?

who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-25-2004

I paid 38 dollars fore mine and its worth every penny. Also, if you check out the website there is a monthly competitionwitht the winner winner two powers balls special edtion and other prizes. It's not as easy as it looks, it takes practice and training but thats the fun part.

who loves their power ball? - Atomic Orgasm - 04-28-2004

why don't you work out with real weights ?

who loves their power ball? - Vicious - 04-28-2004

My friend has one of these. He said it's supposed to help with your forearms or something. It is basically a gyroscope. It's a ball inside this plastic type of cover. And the goal is to move your wrist in such a motion as to keep the ball spinnning inside the plastic. It does take some practice. But I don't see how it can help your forearms look like Popeyes.

who loves their power ball? - buffgod - 04-28-2004

I call tell you all i want about teh thing its up tto you to try it. I'll just say this, it's something different from what you've seen in the past. I know people are scared of new things but this one is a winner. As fro the muscle development it all depends on how you use your gyrocope. BTW This is the best for arm work out I've had in a while, it's better then the traditional weighting lifting.