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Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - buffgod - 04-18-2004

I just started playing it and feels a little strange in terms of gameplay. Who has played this game also? I'm playing it on Xbox by the way.

Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - Prophet Hero - 04-18-2004

What do you mean by "strange"?

I received the PC version for Christmas and completed it fairly quickly. I found it really enjoyable and certainly one of the best Star Wars games I've played.

Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - buffgod - 04-19-2004

It felt a little strange fighting at first but I got used to it. I'm playing on the xbox and its seems like a great game.

Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - -spike- - 04-19-2004

I think the game is awsome! BEST STAR WARS GAME EVER!

Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - buffgod - 04-21-2004

yeah it is the best star wars game ever!!!!

Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - sennin - 04-21-2004

i liked it alot a bit short though!did you guy's already got some downloadable content,the u.s. did already but yet again europe is left behind.

Was Star Wars Knights Of The Republic amazing? - BadAsh - 04-25-2004

It was good, but not the best. The games of the X-Wing series, especially X-Wing Alliance and TIE-Fighter, are the greatest Star Wars games, and some of the best PC games of all time.
Knights of the Old Republic would have been a little better if there was more story divergence between good and evil. If you chose to be a dark jedi, the story did not change until very near the end of the game, and then only marginally. They may as well have left out the whole light/dark aspect of the game.