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Virus? - rav96 - 03-17-2004

ive been wondering for a while about gettin VIRUS Buster Serge

the R2 is only £20 for the whole series on 3discs, unlike the usual £20 for a max of 4eps with R2 releases

has anyone got this or seen it?
the synopsis makes it sound pretty cool!

is it worth the buy???(when my loan comes Wink )

and is there a HK set of it coz i cant find one?

Virus? - Vicious - 03-17-2004

I watched the 1st R1 disc of the show and didn't care much for it. I didn't bother to rent anymore of the series after that. Nothing original or unique about the show at all.

Virus? - Japschin - 03-17-2004

I barely finished the R1 vol 1. I stopped somewhere in the beginning of ep 2.

Virus? - rav96 - 03-18-2004

well it looks like a no go area...

no wonder the price is too good. but i might just coz its so cheap as soon as the loan gets in

Virus? - Japschin - 03-18-2004

I only buy boring anime IF AND ONLY IF they are too good of a bargain.
The set you are talking about seems pretty decently priced for being a mediocre anime, but would it be going down furthermore? If it would, why not wait till it goes down?

Virus? - sanosuke - 03-18-2004

i was also very tempted to buy virus due to the mere £20 price label attached but i read all over the net that its total shit, so i decided to pass. i think weve made the right choice rav!

Virus? - CrayonShinChan - 03-19-2004

You can get it for £14.99 some places, can't remmy where.

I watched a few eps and this is complete and utter shite. Made Puppet Princess and Fatal Fury seems like masterpieces. I mean they were perfectly watchable but Virus... looks pretty is the only good thing i can say about it.

Virus? - sanosuke - 03-19-2004

i wasnt even too fussed on the style of the animation

Virus? - Atomic Orgasm - 03-19-2004

i had the fansubs but promptly traded them away for something else and i didn't even bother copy them. they were that bad. manga made a horrible mistake in licensing it.