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Has anyone had problems with the Mac Ah! My goddess movie? - Printable Version

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Has anyone had problems with the Mac Ah! My goddess movie? - vonhufflepuff - 03-02-2004

For some reason it doesn?t play on my DVD players. Has anyone else have a problem with it?

Has anyone had problems with the Mac Ah! My goddess movie? - NightRayne - 03-02-2004

i haven't had any problems with it what happens does the player just not read the disc or what

Has anyone had problems with the Mac Ah! My goddess movie? - vonhufflepuff - 03-02-2004

on the main player it flashes a bunch of numbers on the players screen and dosent loas. on the xbox it justt dosent read the disk. and on the ps2 it loads but i havent tryed watching it, but if i go to exteras it will freeze up and crash.

i am going to try it on more players later tonight.

Has anyone had problems with the Mac Ah! My goddess movie? - NightRayne - 03-03-2004

geez i think its just a bad disc return it here for another copy of it or something

Has anyone had problems with the Mac Ah! My goddess movie? - CrayonShinChan - 03-06-2004

I tried one of these and it would not play at all. After a month i tried it again and it worked on the second attempt. I tried the rest and they all struggle at the start up but do work. I think probably the whole batch is like this as i got a few replacements as well.