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Delivery times to us - Printable Version

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Delivery times to us - spawn - 01-13-2004

I am in washingtion state and I got xpress post for an additional 8$ and I notice that it is going to take 10 days for it to deliver whats up about that I am right by the canadian border to about 4 or 5 hours from it driving times. is it because of customs the package has arrived in destionation country so I assum it cleared customs.

Delivery times to us - furii - 01-13-2004

i live in illinois and i usually get things in 9-10 days. if i xpress it it takes 5-6. i would think that it would be faster to you.

if you are looking at the site though, where it says scheduled service date, that's wrong. i'm not sure what it is but it's not the delivery date. for me it kept going up Smile originally it was 7 days after i ordered it, then a couple days later it jumped to 9. the day it actually got delivered the date on the site said it wouldn't be there for an additional 10 days!

Delivery times to us - Terrex - 01-13-2004

JunkieJoe ships from Ontario, which is close to New York and Detroit (I'm not 100% sure which part of Ontario the place he lives is). That's pretty darned far away from you (and me, I live about 3 hours away from Seattle). So the whole border thing doesn't really matter if you live that far away from the place he sends it from. I'm not 100% clear, will it take 10 extra days? Or 10 days all together? I think Xpresspost states that the Canada to US packages should arrive in 3-7 business days. If it will take 10 days all together, then you have to minus the weekends. If it will take 10 extra days, then I'm betting that it's stuck at customs.

Delivery times to us - spawn - 01-13-2004

LOL i thought he was on the west coast part of canada not the east

Delivery times to us - Terrex - 01-13-2004

Haha, well that would explain the confusion. Yeah, he's on the East Coast of Canada. It's funny, alot of my American friends don't know that we have provinces. They reffer to where I live as "Canada" and nothing else. I don't think they know how big our country is.

Delivery times to us - spawn - 01-13-2004

its not that bad I shipped stuff from china in 48 hours but it cost me 100$ LOL when i used to live over there. I am supposed to get my stuff on wensday and my other package on saturday so its all good not that long of a wait Big Grin next week

Delivery times to us - furii - 01-14-2004

you're lucky you get yours on saturday. i'd rather not have my packages shipped to my house when i'm not there so i always ship to my work address and we're not open saturdays. i can't really complain though as i'll no saturday dropoffs as opposed to getting $150 worth of dvds on my doorstep where anyone could take them Smile

and just so everyone knows i was including the weekend when i was talking above.

Delivery times to us - Elcoholic - 01-14-2004

Weird, I get my packages in 4 to 7 days, never more. And with me it has to cross the atlantic.Cool