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She must be my daughter - Zagatto - 01-13-2004

I spent most of the weekend home with my daughter who is sick with Chicken Pox. Overall she's pretty miserable but she seems to enjoy sitting on the couch in my arms watching videos.

Finding Nemo was the movie of choice because she walked into the room and started shouting "Nemo!" and "Dude!" while pointing at the video collection.

Eventually I got burned out on this very good movie and so I threw in Lupin just to see how she would respond. She sat through a three hour stretch without hardly moving. I actually thought she had fallen asleep.

This morning, walking into the living room she pointed to the videos and started shouting "Lupin" "Lupin!" I guess she has to be my girl. Although I am looking forward to her having a larger vocabulary.

She must be my daughter - DARK OSAMU - 01-13-2004

That's awesome Zagatto!!! Except for the Pox that is...

She must be my daughter - JunkieJoe - 01-13-2004

heh I remember when I had my chicken pox... i was 18 years old ~_~

its good she gets it done and over with this early.

She must be my daughter - timon - 01-13-2004

it is good that she got it at an early age( not that it is a good thing but u know what i mean) well hope she get better.

She must be my daughter - matthewmalay - 01-13-2004

I had the chicken pox two years ago when I was 20. It was pretty bad but not as bad as my brother who got the shingles.

You should teach her to sing the intro song to Lupin, its only 3 words to remember.

She must be my daughter - Zagatto - 01-13-2004

She's not even two yet. I'm mostly excited whenever she speaks a new word that is easy to understand.

Lupin is actually her second anime character. The first one she learned was Totoro. And for some reason she calls the Catbus "Bug".

She must be my daughter - Lonely_monkey21 - 01-13-2004

I had the chicken pox when I was about 6 I think. All I remember is that they itch like the dickens! My little sister has had them twice though, and that's kinda wierd.

She must be my daughter - furii - 01-13-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
I had the chicken pox when I was about 6 I think. All I remember is that they itch like the dickens! My little sister has had them twice though, and that's kinda wierd.

maybe not so weird, my brother had them twice also. sucks to be him Smile at least he got to miss school twice though, i got mine during spring break in the 3rd grade :mad:

She must be my daughter - Terrex - 01-13-2004

My brother also got chicken pox twice. I guess it isn't too uncommon then.

I've been trying to get my nephew to watch different anime's (he's into the foxbox anime's), but he isn't too interested. However, my two nieces love watching anime. They ask me to bring some over whenever I visit. They're really into it now and bug their mom to buy them anime stuff (which in turn get's me in trouble, since I'm the one who introduced them to it).

She must be my daughter - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 01-15-2004

Take a pic of your collection. Smile