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Damn... a hentai disapointment inside - Printable Version

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Damn... a hentai disapointment inside - JunkieJoe - 07-28-2002

Bible Black came out.... looked cool.... R1 was done... more great news.... R1 annousement that episode 3-4 will not be done... big disapointment.... episode 3-4 released by MI new version of bible black dvd... good news.... got the dvd watched it and its NOT OVER... the story is not done so guessing there will be more version of the DVD coming out in the future LOL

Damn... a hentai disapointment inside - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-28-2002

Hopefully we'll see HK rips of R1 hentai. I really would like Pia Carrot, Cool Devices, Heat for all Seasons, and Slight Fever Syndrome.

Damn... a hentai disapointment inside - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 07-28-2002

The "Seek" storyline is out on HKs but that is as close as you will get for now. Personally I hope that get to this series soon because Hiroyuki Utatane is one of my most favorite mangakas.

Damn... a hentai disapointment inside - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-29-2002

I hear Bible Black is good, but she-males? It seems to be a big turn off.