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What screen resolution do you run in? - Printable Version

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What screen resolution do you run in? - Schultz - 07-28-2002

Just wondering what the most common screen resolution people run in.

What screen resolution do you run in? - JunkieJoe - 07-28-2002

I'd ask everyone to please say which resolution they use in that poll... its important to the new site layout/additions that are being coded as we speak ^_^

What screen resolution do you run in? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-29-2002

How the hell do you tell?

What the hell is your problem, what do you think this is, rocket science? It's as simple as brain surgery (heh heh mangeled up Simpsons joke).

What screen resolution do you run in? - laparka72 - 07-30-2002

I see lots of people running at a higher res, but it's always best to design for slightly lower res...Even though I have a huge monitor and run at higher than 1024, I always design for 800X600...I never have my browser window expanded to fill my screen, I like to have other stuff visible on my desktop...just my 2 cents! Big Grin

What screen resolution do you run in? - lifestop - 07-30-2002


If you are just joking and you really know how to check your desktop resolution, then just ignore what I am about to say: =)

1. [Mouse] Right click on your desktop (in a clean area, not on an icon)

2. [Mouse] Left click the 'settings' tab.

3. There should be a slide-bar that has the words "Screen Resolution" printed above it, check to see what it is set at.

Hope this helps and sorry if I made the directions overly stupified, but I just want to be sure everyone is able to find out their resolution. =)

What screen resolution do you run in? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-30-2002

Thanks for the help LifeStop. I'm a dumbass when it comes to things like that (yeah I can program in easy languages like Q basic and C++, and some others but I'm still a dumbass when it comes things like that).

In the end, I don't know. *everybody falls to the floor*

No seriously it's 800x600. The pie has spoken.