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[Forum Suggestion] More mods - Printable Version

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[Forum Suggestion] More mods - may - 12-09-2003

I wasn't sure if I should put this in the Website Suggestion place.. so I just put it here since it's about the forum.

I think to make this place more enjoyable, we should have like one or two more mods who visit the forums often (Because, while the current mods are doing what we can, I think one or two more mods wouldn't hurt). I have a person in mind, but I'm not sure if he'd want to do it, but his posts are very mature and helpful.

Anyway, I don't mean to start a whole thread about nominations for mods, but I hope this suggestion goes out a bit with the recent activity on the forums. Also, it'd be nice to see someone moving incorrectly made threads into the correct forum, you know? ^^;;

Er.. yeah.. ^^; Just a suggestion..

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - kakomu - 12-09-2003

mind if I ask which part of Illinois you are in?

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - Atomic Orgasm - 12-09-2003

Quote:Originally posted by may
I have a person in mind, but I'm not sure if he'd want to do it, but his posts are very mature and helpful.

thanx may, i appreciate that. Cool

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - Zagatto - 12-09-2003

AO... I'm pretty sure she isn't talking about you. Maybe your sig line doesn't meet up with that mature part of the comment.

As for needing more moderators, I think we do pretty good here at policing each other and speaking our minds reasonably (as long as the subject doesn't happen to be subs vs. dubs...).

Even with keeping posts in the right area, I can only think of one or two threads that have been in the wrong area over the last few months.

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - DARK OSAMU - 12-09-2003

I asked to be a Mod once. I directly PMed the Almighty. I don't have to tell you his Verdict either.Sad

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - Vicious - 12-09-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
thanx may, i appreciate that. Cool

Hahahaha. Keep dreaming.

I don't think the forum really needs more mods. But if JJ wants one, I can help out in the anime forum. Sorry, but I really don't have the patience to read through alot of these BS posts in the general babble forum.

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 12-10-2003

I agree that for the most part we police ourselves fairly well. As long as the "new" mod isn't some power hungry jerk, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing.Wink

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - Atomic Orgasm - 12-10-2003

hey, i can be the power hungry jerk ! i'll be the bestest mod EVAR !!!!!!

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - meowchi - 12-10-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
hey, i can be the power hungry jerk ! i'll be the bestest mod EVAR !!!!!!

You got my vote! Wink

[Forum Suggestion] More mods - pugmagician - 12-10-2003

Yay for power hungrey jerks!!! :o