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Phear the Xbox - Printable Version

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Phear the Xbox - JunkieJoe - 12-08-2003

Phear the Xbox - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 12-08-2003

Wow I guess the X-Box is good for something after-all.

When I was reading the story I thought the bullet was going to bounce of the X-Box and hit somebody.Big Grin Big Grin

Funny story JJ.

Phear the Xbox - dvd_master - 12-08-2003

I expected some idiot to think "I wonder what would happen if I shot my Xbox......"

Seriously though, there could've been a murder..... those two kids woulda killed the other guy for ruining their system. So asking them/forcing them to turn down the volume is a bad idea, now is it? Break out the gun!

Phear the Xbox - Schultz - 12-08-2003

hehe thats old news JJ you need to read ;o) but one thing.. the only thing that shows is how Shitty a 9mm is.. If he shot it with a 45 Magnum or a Desert Eagle 50 cal that Xbox would of been Toast!

Phear the Xbox - fahad17 - 12-22-2003

hay, has anyone seen the jackal, the one with bruce willis, do you think his gun will be able to penertrate its shell. LOL
what a gun

Phear the Xbox - garritynet - 12-22-2003

Quote:hay, has anyone seen the jackal, the one with bruce willis, do you think his gun will be able to penertrate its shell. LOL you work for microsoft?

Phear the Xbox - fahad17 - 12-23-2003

No, i was just having a joke, as i seen the film on sunday, and sumone said "If he shot it with a 45 Magnum or a Desert Eagle 50" it would be toast. I just thought the Jackles gun would have been better.
Amaizing gun