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learn japanese - wrxh8r - 10-30-2003

Could anyone tell me what the best way to learn japanese is other than going to lessons.Is there any good books or software that you would recomend.cheers

learn japanese - TeaganNash - 10-30-2003

Well it isn't really software.., but here is almost everything I know.

Arigato = thank you
Domo Arigato = thank you very much
Ningyo = doll or marionette
Kuso = damn
Baka = Idiot, fool, or stupid
Sona Bakara... = That can't be...
Naru hodo... = I see...
Iksu! = Prepare yourself!
Sayonara = Goodbye
Konnichiwa = Hello
sama = boss (I think...)
kun = person you have a crush on or lover
chan= friend (I think...)
ja ne = see ya (thanks for helping me remember Psyguinus )
Baka Saru! = Stupid Monkey!
Okaiini =Welcome home or welcome back
Ta dai ma! = I'm home! or I'm back!
Shinjite = Believe
Demo shinjite ite = But I'll keep on believing (from Skygunner )
Fantoshii = Masquerading (I think that's how it's spelled...)
Ohayo = good morning
neko = cat
keisatsu = police
kodomo = child
Itadakimasu = ready to receive/let's eat
ni-san = brother
ohji-san = grandfather
iza ! = now !
kimochi = feeling
kazé = wind
hikari = light
Hayaku = hurry up
Dai-jobu = I'm all right
dareka = someone
nazé = why ?
nani / nanda = what ??
gambarimasu = work hard / do one's best
Chu ! = kiss !
machi = town,city...
koros = kill
koros de aru = Kill him with my own hands ( from Phantom.)
mamoru = protect
Inuyasha - dog demon
hentai/ecchi - pervert, porn, etc
nippon - Japan
Sakura - cherry blossom
matte - wait
mirai - future
akuma - devil
youma - demon
senshi - soldier
shoujo - girl
shonen - boy
bétsuni = nothing/nevermind
hashiré = run
benkio = work
kokoro = heart
uboka = move / uboka-nai-de = don't move , freeze !
dakara = that's why
takara = treasure
yume = dream
saru = monkey/ape
kimitsu = secret
itai = it hurts
ité ! = ouch !
kitai = cell phone
gakuen = school
motto = more
yamete/yamero = stop !
oyasumi = good night
sugoi ! = impressive ! and or Wow!
hitori = alone
subete = everything
futari = the two of them
namae = name

And there you go.

learn japanese - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 10-30-2003

The complete (and best thus far) way to learn a new language is FULL EMERSION. The best way to do that would be to go to japan, since that is out of the picture for most people I suggest a couple of books and some RAW anime. If you would like some suggestions for books PM me and I will send you a list.

learn japanese - may - 11-23-2003

Watching a lot of bad HK DVD's actually helped improve my Japanese, because I started to pay more attention to what they were saying .. LOL .. it's helped a lot, actually. With all the American released DVD's lately, I think my Japanese skills have dropped.. :b ..

Also, if you are interested, you can download some Learn Japanese files here..

I skimmed through them. They're pretty good. They give you a better understanding of the root of everything. To download it, you'll want to download the torrent file, and open it with [ BitTorrent ] .. Install BitTorrent into your computer first, of course ^^ .. It's only about 2 mb, and you can uninstall it later if you want.

Good luck~~

Lol.. TeaganNash .. how long did you spend typing that? ^_~

learn japanese - kayomani - 12-08-2003

Dont learn Japanese by watching anime its just not going to work as it will not be a direct translation as grammer system is very different.

I will point out that
-kun a friend
-chan (overly used by anime fans as usually a girl instead of kun but in proper Japanese it will only be used for someone you may have spent your whole life with eg some you have grown up with)
-senpai a elder such as grand dad etc
-san a bit like mr

learn japanese - Shinn Asuka - 12-08-2003

Quote:Originally posted by kayomani
-senpai a elder such as grand dad etc

That's not technically correct. While it is an elder, it could be someone only a year older than you. It's actually someone with "more life experience." If you're a Freshman in High School, a Junior would still be addressed as this.

You also forgot:

-Han: An elder form of "San." It is common to refer to an owner of a store as "Name-san" or "Name-han."

learn japanese - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 12-08-2003

You also forgot the shift. When N comes before P it turns to an M. Thus making it "Sempai" instead of "Senpai".Wink

learn japanese - DARK OSAMU - 12-08-2003

Actually full emersion isn't the best way...for everyone. Find out how you learn things the best way and use that. If you are a verbal pesron then I suggest listening to tapes. If you are visual I suggest copying the Hiriganna and Katakanna and Kanji by hand and writing the definitions and what not. You can buy textbooks and worksheets and dictionaries like I did and most people get the dictionaries anyways. But there are many ways to learn. Try making stickers and putting the japanese word on it then the sticker on the object. Like apicture of a cat. Put a sticker saying Neko on it. anyways whatever suits your style.

learn japanese - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 12-10-2003

Well full emersion is for the most part the best thing you can do with any language, because you are forced to use it. It isn't like sitting down in your free time and writing a few Kanji. Full emersion is the same technique we use to learn english, and most of us have at least a decent time with it.Big Grin

learn japanese - DARK OSAMU - 12-10-2003

That's right...Most of us. There are still the NIcks and OpOxs and Batzs out there. And unless Leet Haxor Retardor lingo is ever to be considered Language, people like them will never really learn it.:eek: