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Future FX releases - Printable Version

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Future FX releases - schizophrenic - 10-27-2003

Hi, are there infos avaliable on FX future releases?

Future FX releases - kakomu - 10-27-2003

nope, none at all. Mac is the only company that really releases that info.

Future FX releases - rugrats1 - 10-27-2003

And considering the nature of FX's products, it's probably not a good idea for them to reveal future information.

Future FX releases - schizophrenic - 10-27-2003

I'm ignorant but what is the nature of FX products?

Future FX releases - kakomu - 10-27-2003

Ripping R1 DVDs. The types of things that get you busted.

Future FX releases - sanosuke - 10-27-2003

and the types of things that save otaku fortunes!

Future FX releases - expression - 10-28-2003

does fx have soem kind of website or anything to buy directly from the,m?

Future FX releases - kakomu - 10-28-2003

No, FLora doesn't seem to want to respond to E-mail requests. Just go through JJ, it's a lot easier that way.

Future FX releases - dvd_master - 10-29-2003

Look for a Utena set soon. Smile

Future FX releases - Atomic Orgasm - 10-29-2003

Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
and the types of things that save otaku fortunes!

amen to that.