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Will A Better Version of Macross TV series be Released? - Printable Version

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Will A Better Version of Macross TV series be Released? - OtakuMonster - 07-22-2002

Does any one knows if anyone will release a better version of the Macross TV series. I Don't really want to spend 250 bones on a TV series Cry

Will A Better Version of Macross TV series be Released? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-22-2002

Ah, a topic that has been discussed greatly on this forumn. I started a post several months ago on this very topic. Take a look at it. In short to save you time the answer is, NO. A Macross TV Perfect will never be released. To get better subs they would, most likely be ripped from Animeigo's set. Thinking about it, how fair would it be for someone to spend $250 on a set and have someone else get the same set for $50. Since there is already a set out, no one would really care to sub it again. My suggestion would be to ask your local rental store to pick up, the Macross sets for rental.