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Berserk questions - +Pepsidude+ - 07-22-2002

1. Is there going to be a second season? Does anyone know?

2. Where can I get the manga?

Berserk questions - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-22-2002

Direct your questions to John at He seems like he's in the know. I asked him about the Ranma 1/2 3rd movie. Also I asked him what were the names of the anime series that are shown at the beginning of Fox's Malcom in the Middle. Hopefully he'll help me find it out. That is an otaku brain teaser. ^_^

Berserk questions - JunkieJoe - 07-22-2002

I havent heard about another season of berserk but i do have the Manga that takes place after the TV series... and its pretty fun... too bad i cant read japanese ^_^ hopefully Schultz will get off his butt and learn it while he's in japan and translate it for me hehe

Berserk questions - Zagatto - 07-22-2002

From what I understand, there are four story arcs to the Berserk manga and the TV series covered the second story arc.
To my knowledge, there aren't any plans for more animated berserk at this time but with the growing popularity of this series I woudn't be surprised to see an annoucement in the near future.

Berserk questions - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-22-2002

Is the show really that good? I'm not a fan of dark anime but I don't really mind it. Ninja Scroll was good (tame compared to Kawajiri's Wicked City). Which would have an overall darker tone Beserk or Urotsuki Doji? I'm leaning towards the later though I have not seen the first.

Berserk questions - Schultz - 07-22-2002

Actually there have been talks i have read that the studio that did beserk are in the design phase.. basically they are thinking about creating a second season to Beserk.. which will be really awesome.. If i am not mistaking they are still making mangas for beserk as well.. So its pretty popular here in japan..

Berserk questions - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 07-22-2002

well all I have heard is hearsay but berserk is growing in popularity so the likleyhood for another part is not entirley out of the question. As far as manga goes go to Sasuga Japanese Bookstore they get your items fast and are a pleasure to deal with. Also be warned the berserk manga is targeted to older audiences so there arent any furigana for the kanji if you ever plan to learn japanese keep them handy it is one of the best reads I have had in a great while [/url]