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Sailor moon SS? - Printable Version

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Sailor moon SS? - Dark_fuuma - 10-23-2003

Hi there,i got the s season about a week ago off import-anime and i was wondering if there was a similar set for the ss season avaliable?? Any body know?

Sailor moon SS? - Shinn Asuka - 10-23-2003

Not yet =/

Sailor moon SS? - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 10-24-2003

I am eagerly awaiting one. For fun you should check out the live action Sailor Moon. Simply hillarious.Smile

Sailor moon SS? - Dark_fuuma - 10-24-2003

My friend has the fansubs which im hoping to watch over the weekend...should be fun ^_^

Sailor moon SS? - D.A.R.Jr. - 10-25-2003

Will import-anime be getting the new Sailor Moon Live Action series? I know they started to get live action movies. I've seen the first 3 episodes and I must have them in a boxset.

Sailor moon SS? - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 10-26-2003

I'm searching for the live action series as well. I doubt JJ will get them, at least for a while since the show has just started.