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How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - Printable Version

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How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - Vinny - 10-09-2003

Hi everyone. I wanted to get some opinions on my reviews for this site. What do you think of them? Anything I should add? I want to add screenshots, but have no clue how to take them ith the subtitles in the picture. Oh, and this has nothing to do with trying to get one of those new reviewer spots on Animeniacs. I prefer to just do reviews on this site, since it's the best HK site out there (blantant plug) Smile Anyways, here's my latest one:

How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - OtakuMonster - 10-09-2003

Damn! Thats one long review. Looks to me like you do some damn good reviews. All you need is some screenshots. I use Power DVD. I just downloaded it from KAZAA. Works great. Megazone 23 is great!
It also seems we live near each other since your location says Simi Valley. I live in L.A. Smile
Keep up the good work!

How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - Zagatto - 10-09-2003

Wow... information overload.
It's great that you've reviewed it in so much detail but a bit more info than I was prepared for. Fortunately, the review is broken into sections which makes it easy for a reader to select just the information they are interested in.
More points of view are always welcome here. Keep up the good work.

How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - Vinny - 10-09-2003

So PowerDVD let's me take screen captures with the subtitles? Sweet! I remember I downloaded it off Kazaa a while back, but later rebooted my computer when I caught a virus Sad I'll have to get it again Smile Then, with screenshots at my side I can finally show everyone that the MI set of Macross truly is GOOD!!

How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - OtakuMonster - 10-09-2003

Yeah, I used to own theMI set and the subs on that aint as bad as people make them out to be. A good buy if you can't afford the R1's.

How's my driving (or how are my reviews!) - Vinny - 10-12-2003

Whew!!! Wait till you guys see my Tokyo Pig MI review. Above and beyond with that review. I included a changed name chart, too, so you can see what the character's real Japanese names are opposed to, for some reason, the American names they gave them in the subtitles.