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Slayers MAC set - NVash - 09-20-2003

I just got the Slayers MAC set and was wondering if I should post a review. Only saw one ep. Id see more, but Im waiting for a friend. We might watch it in a marathon. ANYWAY. My point is, I dont know a thing about reviews, and its basically great. Cept for a few things.
1) They say its the Perfect Collection cause its English and Jap. Thats only Slayers Next.
2) It is great overall (Only saw one ep I said) but it has a SERIOUS PROBLEM. That is this. The music, is normal. But the voices are washed out. You have to blare it to hear the voices. Almost as if the voices were recorded in another room. Trust me, it gets annoying, FAST. Got on my nerves during the opening theme.
I cant compare versions, seeing as how I only have this. But I figure people should be warned about this wash out thing.

Slayers MAC set - vicnuts - 09-20-2003

From what i've read the "perfect" refers to perfect video & perfect subtitles. As far as the audio, did you try selecting any other audio options on the dvd while it was playing? Best thing to do is watch the DVDs with your buddy, this way you can give a more detailed review when you're ready. Maybe the audio clears after a certain episode. If thats the case, its a detail you'ld wanna mention in your review.
Hope you enjoy the DVDs

Slayers MAC set - Elcoholic - 09-22-2003

The term perfect collection usually means that it is a rip of the region 1 discs which means jap/eng audio, perfect subs and dvd quality video.
It would be better if you wrote a review after you have seen the entire series or per viewed set. If there is a real problem with this set a good review would be very much appreciated. For pointers on how to write a good review look at the "Write a good review" thread in this forum. It's a couple of threads down.

Slayers MAC set - NVash - 09-22-2003

Well see, theres the problem. There are no other audio options. Perfect Collection my behind. Isnt this false advertising?

Slayers MAC set - Elcoholic - 09-23-2003

I can understand that you were mislead by the term perfect collection. And since there is no review there was no way for you to know. I personally knew that MAC had only one set dubbed. Just an extra reason to write a review to warn people of this.
I understand you are not happy with the fact that the dub is missing? There is supposed to be a real perfect collection released by Fx soon, maybe you can make an arrangement with your seller to switch them arround when it comes available.

Slayers MAC set - Shinn Asuka - 09-23-2003

I'd honestly reccomend getting the R1s. They're the best quality you'll end up getting, seeing they don't even look too hot. I'm kinda worried about the FX set, seeing they crammed 4 discs down to 3, and the R1s were pushing 7 episodes a disc, I believe.