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Breath of Fire - Printable Version

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Breath of Fire - Batz Kage - 09-06-2003

One of my firends was asking me if I had ever heard of a Breath of Fire Anime show. He check Import-Anime, e-bay & a few other on-line stores & couldn't find it. He says he saw it in a store before & when he returned to buy it it was sold out, & now he's looking for it.

Anyone have any info on it, or where he might be able to get a hold of a copy of it?
Thanks, B.K. Rip

Breath of Fire - kakomu - 09-06-2003

it doesn't exist

Breath of Fire - Shinn Asuka - 09-07-2003

Must be thinking of the animated cut scenes from BoF4? There is no BoF anime. Kinda like there is no Genso Suikoden anime [but it would be badass if there was]

Breath of Fire - evilomar - 09-07-2003

I wish they would based on the first game, so it could have Chun-li in it.

Breath of Fire - DARK OSAMU - 09-07-2003

I remember that Chun Li trick! And she'd probably be the only reason I would watch a BoF anime too.