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Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - Printable Version

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Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - EvAngel - 09-06-2003

(related to the Limited Kenshin FX's boxset) how much copies are they doing?

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - JunkieJoe - 09-06-2003

the limited part is the box set that holds the 2 parts together, as soon as the boxes run out, the box set will be no more.

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - New_User - 09-06-2003

i actually ordered it recently...

i think the box is great...

it looks great on my shelf...

if you don't have RK yet i would suggest picking this up...

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - yakumo - 09-06-2003

To be honest its just a marketing ploy to drive up sell the DVDs. Limited?, l don't think so..Wink

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - Vicious - 09-07-2003

I just think it's really funny actually. The fact that HK's are releasing Limited edition boxsets.

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - Shinn Asuka - 09-07-2003

I'm agreeing with Yakumo on this one. Especially because Flora said he may sell the boxes in the near future.

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - JunkieJoe - 09-07-2003

I thought I said it, its only limited in the fact that as soon as boxes run out, I doubt Flora would reprint them... call it limited or call it while supplies last, up to you

Limited H/K Boxset!? What!? - EvAngel - 09-07-2003

Does flora = FX ?

So if I understand well, the only special thing with this set is the box, the DVD's are the same as the ones in the 2 normal sets? If I'm right, how are the boxs of these 2 sets?