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How to be a PIMP - Printable Version

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How to be a PIMP - timon - 08-27-2003

For all the brothers out there, this a lesson to observe.
1 Have ur Cadillac
2 Get ur perm or afro
3 Get ur PIMP juice
4 Get those 24" spinnig rims
5 Get a fly babes

If u are a PIMP Holla back.

Gotten from Songs.

How to be a PIMP - Ka-Talliya - 08-27-2003

Why is it a glamourous thing to be a pimp?
A pimp is some one who whores out women for money. Sad It's not something anyone should aspire to and yet those in the music industry advocate the "Pimp lifestyle".

There is more to life than being a pimp, sippin' on gin and juice, and cruisin' with some ho's. Sounds like a recipe for an early death.


How to be a PIMP - timon - 08-27-2003

What can i say? well all what u said might be right but as nelly said " it can be fame, money or plain intellect" so its not necesarry a bad thing or i can go with 50cent and say u got to have the magic stick. So it goes either way.
Quote:There is more to life than being a pimp, sippin' on gin and juice, and cruisin' with some ho's. Sounds like a recipe for an early death

I don't think there is really anything bad with all that cause in my race against time i can't stop, u only die once so y don't u die being a PIMP.(i am not sure if what i wrote made sense)

How to be a PIMP - morgorath - 08-28-2003

Hey you have to bring it big when you come to the Hissy...
As for this Jedi Pimp back at ya brother... if you have no idea what I'm saying take a swing by the yoda of all pimps himself...Jake

How to be a PIMP - Lonely_monkey21 - 08-28-2003

I agree with Ka-Talliya, if all you had to aspire for in life is get drunk and screw women that have been who the hell knows where... that's pretty sad. Sad

How to be a PIMP - Tripp - 08-28-2003

I'd like to say that King David was indeed himself a know how many wives and concubines that living magic stick HAD?!! GOOD GOD!!! Like different one everyday and he could do it for more then year lol!! Ah to live way back when.

How to be a PIMP - Shinn Asuka - 08-28-2003

I'm waiting for this thread to be locked Tongue

How to be a PIMP - timon - 08-28-2003

Quote:I'm waiting for this thread to be locked Tongue

I knew someone was going to say that

How to be a PIMP - sanosuke - 08-28-2003

dude thanks for the tips! im workin on it and im sure ill be a pimp in no time!

How to be a PIMP - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 08-28-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
I'm waiting for this thread to be locked Tongue

Damn, is there anything that doesn't seem to offend you?

Pimping is an underground fascination. The days of pimps are gone. There are not any pimps around my city anymore. It's a funny sub-culture that promotes ostentacious behavior and a throw back to the 70's.

I try to be pimp when my friends and I jam some funk tunes out. Big Grin

How to be a PIMP - Shinn Asuka - 08-28-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Steve_the_Talking_Pie
Damn, is there anything that doesn't seem to offend you?

Who said I was offended? I never said that. I just have a feeling this thread will eventually be locked.

So Steve, chill out. Sheesh, if you don't like ME or how I am, then don't interact with me. Period.

How to be a PIMP - Shibo - 08-28-2003

I'm not the brightest guy in the world, but I'm smart enough to know when something is *this* close to getting ugly and this thread is about two posts away from being there.. soooo, before that happens, and by popular request... *lock*

I know that the flames hadn't started yet but damn was it ever close.
Call it a pre-emptive strike. Wink