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Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - Printable Version

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Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - timon - 07-22-2003

I was just wondering who actually won the last battle between Kyo and Kyoshiro. I know but am not really that sure my guess is kyoshiro cause of the Medicine case yuyu was carrying? any help please its really bugging me

Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - megajo53 - 07-22-2003

most people say that its Kyoshiro....and to that....I just have to say that if it that was true, then I think the ending is total bullshit. Why do I think this you might ask.... because Kyo is the main character of the story, he is the one who does the fighting, the suffering....basically all the work, and he is the one who is with Yuya throughout the majority of the entire series, it just seems kinda wrong that all of the sudden, this popup man gets the girl and glory in the end.

Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - timon - 07-22-2003

yea i know what u mean, most animes ending are crap like kenshin for example it doesn't even make sense for him to leave karou alone for the period of time. But back to SDK i totally agree with u.

Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - megajo53 - 07-23-2003

Yeah, the ending for Kenshin really sucked, completely destroyed his morals and sense of responsiblity from the TV show. The ending made him look like a dead beat dad, really hated what he had become....

Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - sanosuke - 07-24-2003

but thats what the ending was supposed to convey, i personally dont think it was a bad ending just a really sad one

Ending to "Samurai deeper Kyo" - timon - 07-24-2003

well sad anime ending that isn't suppose to be sad isn't just good as a fan of Kenshin i expected something totally different than i watch, well can't do anything about it.