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Taking screen pics from DVDs? - Printable Version

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Taking screen pics from DVDs? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-16-2003

I have a new Sony Vaio and I was wondering what good, FREE, programs let you take screen shots. Thanks. Big Grin

Taking screen pics from DVDs? - matthewmalay - 07-16-2003

PowerDVD and WinDVD let you take screenshots from DVDs. Go to Kazaa or any p2p program and you can find cracked versions pretty easily. You can also uise the print screen button, just make sure you turn off the video overlay and any hardware acceleration.

You can also try hypersnap, theres a demo out there put it puts an ugly stamp on the corner of each capture

Taking screen pics from DVDs? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-17-2003

Using Power DVD. I should have probably delted this thread. Changed the directory of were my pictures are saved and everything. Smile