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Anyone know a good content review site? - Printable Version

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Anyone know a good content review site? - Batz Kage - 07-06-2003

All the review sites I used to go to are really behind on title releases, or have alot of listings or titles with no reviews. And I don't think I know any that review non dubed titles.
I would search google or something like that but all I normally come up with is a lot of site by people who like to write their own reviews, & therefore have maybe at the most 20 reviews of american released anime.

So anyone have a suggestion for me (besides to go to hell, or get a brain)?

Anyone know a good content review site? - matthewmalay - 07-06-2003

for sypnosis go to (they have numerical reviews also but I don't find them useful).

for reviews of R1 DVDs, check out

Anyone know a good content review site? - Batz Kage - 07-06-2003


As for animeondvd, I was waiting to get some type of flame from Shibo about about that one. Good thing someone beat him to the punch, on informing that is, not flaming.

Anyone know a good content review site? - Shibo - 07-06-2003

I wouldn't flame you for asking that question, Batz. If the questions aren't insanely stupid, I do try not to flame when at all possible. Your last one was stupid, sorry. =P Someone's gotta tell people when they're being stupid. It just takes some courage, and it takes not worrying about offending people sometimes. When it comes to that, what can I say. I'm not afraid. Wink I guarantee you I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by the same questions being asked multiple times.. I'm just one of the only ones who can do something about it. There's an old proverb.. Sometimes it's better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Ask away, but just be sure you've taken a couple of minutes to find the answer yourself first, that's all I ask. I'm getting the sinking feeling that we need a newbie guide here to weed out some questions.. Which is sad. Ah well. I'll see what I can cook up sometime soon.

Anyone know a good content review site? - Shinn Asuka - 07-06-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
Sometimes it's better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Wonder how often that's been said since I left? :P

Anyone know a good content review site? - Rei1781 - 07-12-2003 and you can always check out

Anyone know a good content review site? - Destram - 07-12-2003

Sometimes they are stupid, but mostly the reviews are fairly accurate.