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anyone know alot about routers? - Printable Version

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anyone know alot about routers? - JunkieJoe - 06-25-2003

having problems accessing newsgroups being behind a router... other people said that they were able to access newsgroups without doing anything to the router (off the shelf settings i guess) but my router isnt letting me...)

anyone familuar with this whole bit? if so, let me know what do to ^_^

anyone know alot about routers? - Schultz - 06-25-2003

what type of problems are you having? Like not connecting? or the news group telling you a specific error?

anyone know alot about routers? - JunkieJoe - 06-26-2003

not connecting at all ~_~

anyone know alot about routers? - ZeroInterrupt - 07-07-2003

Just make sure you are forwarding all traffic comming in on port 119 to the computer you are using the news-reader on. For example if you have a netgear or Linksys make sure that your port 119 (in the port forwarding page i believe) is set to the IP address of your PC. type in 119 on the page under the port heading and the IP address of your PC in the address box. PM me with the specifics of your router if I have been unclear/and or you are still having issues and I'll dig up the how-to for it..
below is a link of well known port numbers. the one you are interested in is nntp.


anyone know alot about routers? - JunkieJoe - 07-08-2003

Thanks for Trying to help ZeroInterupt but I already have it fixed...

problem was that when I did not have router I could put down nntp in the news server field in the program and it will connect, now that I am behind a router I need a full address of the nttp server in order for it to connect ~_~

anyone know alot about routers? - Schultz - 07-09-2003

Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
Thanks for Trying to help ZeroInterupt but I already have it fixed...

problem was that when I did not have router I could put down nntp in the news server field in the program and it will connect, now that I am behind a router I need a full address of the nttp server in order for it to connect ~_~

*smacks JJ on the head* Baka

anyone know alot about routers? - ZeroInterrupt - 07-14-2003

Sorry for being so late on a response to your inital question..

But what describing, to me sounds like your router is/was having issues with your internet providers' proxy/dns (read - unable to resolve the name "nntp" wheather is a proxy/nat name to IP resolution or DNS-ip record). Possibally due to the router having an incorrect dns server entered?

bahh.. sorry for the bantering (bored at work)


Ohh.. forgot one thing.. if you where really attached to the "nntp" name in your news reader you could always modify the "hosts" file.
Sample line form the "hosts_." file (win2k box) localhost

e.x: of news server) localhost(name that you want to resolve to the address - can be anything)

just edit it as you see fit and you should be good to go, although if the news server ip ever changes you will need to re-edit this file.