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Spelling mistake... - Printable Version

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Spelling mistake... - Guest - 03-18-2002

In the description for this forum, it should be "discs", not "disks".

Spelling mistake... - JunkieJoe - 03-21-2002

done, why is it discs and not disks anyways? Wink

Spelling mistake... - symphara - 03-27-2002

There's no reason really, both disk and disc are correct in English.
Ah wait, maybe because the CD and DVD acronym definitions use "disc" Smile

Spelling mistake... - Schultz - 03-27-2002

yea i think you pretty much answered it.. and i thought about it.. its weird you call Floppy's Disk's and CD/DVD's Discs. English is too messed up a language to make any normal sense.

Spelling mistake... - _DT_ - 05-09-2002

Since I'm bored here I find some discussion disc vs disk. If I believe the signature several people from the media industry will look down on you if you used disk instead of disk :lol: