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Is Reign good? - Printable Version

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Is Reign good? - Lonely_monkey21 - 06-16-2003

Okay, well I was up at like 1 yesterday morning, and I came across Reign the Conquerer. I know that it's like a futuristic portrail of Alexander the Great's conquests, but is it any good. The first episode didn't really impress me all that much, but if anyone out there thinks it's good enough to continue watching, please let me know.

Is Reign good? - Vance - 06-16-2003

From what I've seen it looks intriguing. It's pretty short, only 13 episodes or so, so it's worth watching.

Is Reign good? - Lonely_monkey21 - 06-17-2003

Okay, thanks I'll continue watching tonite!

Is Reign good? - Vicious - 06-17-2003

I gave it a chance, but was disappointed by the end of the series. It starts out ok, but gets worse as it goes along.

Is Reign good? - sanosuke - 06-17-2003

i dont think i could bring myself to watch it, the art style looks terrible!