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[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - Printable Version

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[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - dmr456 - 06-09-2003

My List -

> Love Hina "MI" Release (3 Dvds) *perfect condition; recently bought; seen once

R1 DVDs:
> Tenchi Universe Vol.#8 - "The Last Battle"

Want List -

> Anything good Smile

R1 DVDs:
> Anything good Smile

*sorry, no dvd-r's

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - Ryviux - 06-09-2003

I am intrested in trading for your sorcerous hunter dvds if they are still availble. Please take a look at my list and let know if there is anything you.


[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - dmr456 - 06-10-2003

Yes, it's still available. Unfortunately, most of the stuff on your list I own already. Let me now when you add more items later on.

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - bumperboy - 06-11-2003

Interested in your Sorcerer Hunters. please check my listBig Grin

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - bumperboy - 06-24-2003

Are you there?

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - Legato 2057 - 06-24-2003

I am also interested in your Sorcerer Hunters vol 2-4. Check My list for anything you might be interested.

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - dmr456 - 06-26-2003

-Sorcerer Hunters trade complete-

Now updated list (June 26, 2003)

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - bumperboy - 07-18-2003

Want to trade > Love Hina "MI" Release (3 Dvds)? if yes check my trade list. thanks

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - dmr456 - 07-19-2003

I own most of whats on your list already except "Robotech Macross Saga 6DVD (ADV) English Dubbed (Complete)." If you're still interested then let me know. Otherwise, let me know the next time you update.

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - bumperboy - 07-19-2003

Uhm fine by me but trade 6 dvds for 3 dvds isn't possible. especially 6 r1 for 3 hk. do you have something else to trade along with love hina?

[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - dmr456 - 07-21-2003

At this point no, but i expect to update my list with new items later on.


[Current Trade List] dmr456 (06.09.03) - kakomu - 07-21-2003

I'm interested in your Love Hina set by MI, anything on my list that looks appetizing?