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When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Printable Version

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When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 06-03-2003

Is customs still seizing hentai?

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Lonely_monkey21 - 06-03-2003

Hell if I know... My cousin went to Japan last summer and didn't make it back with any. He's going again this summer i think, so i'll let you know when he gets back.Big Grin

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - neoEIN - 06-03-2003

hmmm..since majority of online HKDVD resellars are US based, why are you worried about custom seizing hentai? Just curious.

Anyway, a friend of a friend of mine is a Canadian custom officer. She will rigorously inspect any child pornography material (DVD included) for seizure. Despite every custom officer may have different tolerence of pornography, her measurement is cut and dry.

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - maxwelledison - 06-04-2003

I've had a two seized that I've ordered: Natural, and a hentai collection.


When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 06-04-2003

Quote:Originally posted by neoEIN
hmmm..since majority of online HKDVD resellars are US based, why are you worried about custom seizing hentai? Just curious.

Where do the DVDs come from?!? Hong Kong man. Customs seizes it before American based stores can sell them.

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Vicious - 06-04-2003

If you were at the chat this past weekend, you would know this type of stuff, Steve!!!:mad: Shibo told us that I-A hentai stuff was being seized and for that reason they won't be carrying any hentai for awhile.

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - maxwelledison - 06-04-2003

Mine were coming in from Thailand, part of 4 discs that I won on Two were seized, two were let through, at Vancouver customs.


When will customs get their own hentai?!? - neoEIN - 06-04-2003

Interesting that Animeniacs still have HKDVD hentai imported in for sale though it also carries lots of R1 hentai titles.

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 06-04-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
If you were at the chat this past weekend, you would know this type of stuff, Steve!!!:mad: Shibo told us that I-A hentai stuff was being seized and for that reason they won't be carrying any hentai for awhile.

Well my new computer didn't have an ethernet card so there were some problems. Sorry. Wink

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - sanosuke - 06-04-2003

i havent had any problems with it being seized (i bought it for friends, i dont do that kind of thing). and its gotta get all the way from the usa to me in ireland.

When will customs get their own hentai?!? - Vicious - 06-04-2003

I think the problem is only in Canada. You'd think they'd all be too busy watching the Stanley Cup Finals. Wink