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Anybody watch Enterprise? - Vidiot - 05-24-2003

I know this isn't anime related but I know a lot of anime fans are also Star Trek fans. I been watching Enterprise from the beginning and I was wondering who else is watching it and what your take on the show is.

As for me, I believe the series got off to a slow start with some weak stories, however, I think it has really improved a lot this past season. I'd hate to see them cancel the show as I think the show will bloom in it's third season.


Anybody watch Enterprise? - kakomu - 05-24-2003

I only watched TNG, and TOS movies.

Anybody watch Enterprise? - morgorath - 05-24-2003

Vidiot, well I have loved every episode I have seen so far which is up to 26 and I really hope they keep it going I find all the inside jokes really good and well placed...

Anybody watch Enterprise? - Vidiot - 05-25-2003

Its nice to see that I'm not all alone. :wink:
Anyone else like or hate the show?


Anybody watch Enterprise? - Kroova - 05-26-2003

I used to like it but i dont now because of the stupid new ones.

Anybody watch Enterprise? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 05-26-2003

I know some inside anime jokes in Star Trek but I hate the show so much. Why the hell would an alien emperor be guarded with two guys holding spears? :wink:

Anybody watch Enterprise? - Vidiot - 05-26-2003

Quote:Originally posted by "Kroova"

I used to like it but i dont now because of the stupid new ones.

Hmmm... That's interesting. I thought the new episodes have much more exciting stories. To each his own I guess. Smile


Anybody watch Enterprise? - morgorath - 05-26-2003

Ok schultz got me the STNG movie on DVD and I loved every minute of it. Even where Data dies... hell Brett Spiner helped write the movie and his own death but if you watch the DVD extra's Patrick Stewart let's the cat out of the bag on what the writers were and are really up to