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R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - Printable Version

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R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - neoEIN - 05-22-2003


RightStuff has it on sale now. Interested to get it but not too sure if it's too serious or not worth the money to spend on it.

Please comment or suggest.

Ps. I will get the FX Record of Lodoss war OVA (remastered) though if I get the Record of Lodoss war TV.

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 05-22-2003

I still haven't seen the TV version because I hear it cannot compare to the OVA.

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - JunkieJoe - 05-22-2003

TV is ok, a must for any Lodoss fan, though many complain about extra characters etc etc... music is great as always but the DUB track is horrible...

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 05-22-2003

I may pick it up then. :wink:

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - megajo53 - 05-25-2003

Thought it was really bad, confusing story and plot, nothing near as good as the OVA, the intro was the only thing I enjoyed in this series.

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - JunkieJoe - 05-25-2003

megajo53, I am so shallow that the intro makes the whole series worth while ehhe

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - Vance - 05-25-2003

Lol, I'm a sucker for Welcome to Lodoss Island. Hillarious. However, I've only seen about the first 6 episodes of the series.

R1 Record of Lodoss War TV - JunkieJoe - 05-26-2003

hehe yea those things are pretty hilalrious, i bet they could of made a whole series out of that (much like aventures of mini godess)