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NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - Printable Version

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NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - LordMelkor - 05-19-2003

It has come to my attention that MI has recently released gundam wing dub can people please post this in the reviews? (checkout to see what im talking about...

NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - Berserker - 05-19-2003

I'm sure we will have a review once people get a chance to get it. Tongue It just came out a few days ago.

*wants this set so badly* :twisted:

EDIT: here some pics of it in this thread...

NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - yakumo - 05-20-2003

l post a review once l get the set, l put up some screengrabs too

NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - LordMelkor - 05-20-2003

ARGh!! i hat MI packaging the dvd's are so fricking hard to put into the case... i hope one of the other comanies copies this set... Sad

NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - kakomu - 05-20-2003

Hard to put in the case? The Cases are practically the same as Amarys, which are practically the same as Jewel Cases... Unless you have baby hands, retardation or you're inept, putting DVDs into the MI cases should be simple.

NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - LordMelkor - 05-21-2003

then maybe my record of lodass war cs is just defective.. cuz the center piece that the cd attaches to caved in and then i couldnt put it back up... Confusedweatdrop:

NEW Gundam Wing TV w/ Eng dub - Vicious - 05-22-2003

Quote:Originally posted by "LordMelkor"

then maybe my record of lodass war cs is just defective.. cuz the center piece that the cd attaches to caved in and then i couldnt put it back up... Confusedweatdrop:

I had that same problem with my Battle Athletes Victory. They did use some weird sort of center thingy that woudn't pop back.