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Parasite Eve the Movie - TeaganNash - 05-17-2003

Did you know that they have a remake of the new Parasite Eve movie in live action and it's been released in the US for 20.00? I wonder what it's like...

Parasite Eve the Movie - Kroova - 05-17-2003

I watch about less then an hour because i dont have enough cash to buy alot of anime.

Parasite Eve the Movie - Berserker - 05-17-2003

I have the original Parasite Eve movie on DVD by ADV...I had no idea there was a remake...? The original was OK.

Parasite Eve the Movie - JunkieJoe - 05-18-2003

that movie was released like 3 years ago... old news and it sucks ass

Parasite Eve the Movie - TeaganNash - 05-18-2003

Oh... ok. Oops.
I just started seeing it in stores recently so I thought it was new or something... My mistake.

By the way is Aya still the main character?

Parasite Eve the Movie - Berserker - 05-18-2003

No, Aya is not anywhere to be found in the movie. The only thing it has in common with the game is Eve. I think the movie's storyline was taken from the book instead of the game. It's worth at least one view if you played the game. It was coming on Showtime for a while, not sure if it's still on though.

Parasite Eve the Movie - TeaganNash - 05-19-2003

There was a book? I never knew about that...
Could you tell me where to find it?

Parasite Eve the Movie - Berserker - 05-19-2003

As far as I know, it was only released in Japan. That is where Parasite Eve originated from(the book)...and then the game was released followed by the movie.

Parasite Eve the Movie - desfunk - 05-29-2003

yep... this movie is based off the original book, which takes place in Japan.

mind you, there are some things which 'semi' relate to the game....

either way, the reason you're probably seeing it around, is because ADV released it a year or so ago.

it's still a pretty good movie, i remember getting the vcds many many years ago. the second half of the movie is much better then the first half also :p