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Hikaru no go - Overtside - 04-03-2003

Hi to all

On the post "What are people watching now (series)?" I have seen some opinions about this series and a friend of mine which have some episodes downloaded tell me that this series is very very good. How is the dvd edition?(video, subs, audio, chapters that it has, etc)


Hikaru no go - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 04-03-2003

The video is a TV rip(which is very good) Subs are HK originals, and are really good as well. The audio is perfect. I love this series, but let me warn you (since I saw you speaking of One Piece in another thread) this show as well as One Piece are highly addictive! If you start them both you will have no life. You have been warned. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hikaru no go - matthewmalay - 04-03-2003

The digisubs, especially the newer ones have great quality. I would go with those if you could get them. I don't know about the HK set and yes, it is very addictive. I watched 20+ episodes in one day once.

Hikaru no go - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 04-03-2003

I am in the same boat. I calmed down on it, because I don't want it to be over so quickly. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin The show is great! I recommend it every chance I get. :mrgreen:

Hikaru no go - matthewmalay - 04-05-2003

I wanted to pace myself so I wouldnt have to wait for the new fansubs to be release but I just couldn't myself and now I'm impatiently waiting for ep 69 to be released.

I heard that the series is gonna end at episode 75 Cry but I looks like the manga is gonna go on for like forever :mrgreen:

Hikaru no go - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 04-05-2003

It's gonna end at episode 75?! NO! I don't want it to end! 8O