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FF7 Remake - Printable Version

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FF7 Remake - cyborgninja828 - 05-10-2006

geo85 Wrote:Yeah, they need actors like the ones from spirits within that had very strong and distinct voices, bad voice acting can ruin a game.
Agreed. Another thing you think they would add a lot to the story? Because looking back on it, the story isn't quite as deep as it seemed in 1997 or whenever it came out. Don't get me wrong, I do love the story but when you play through it again now, you just don't get that same feeling - this is for me at least. I don't even know how I'd feel about major additions to the story..

FF7 Remake - Cidien - 05-10-2006

I dunno, bad voice acting did wonders for promoting baten kaitos.

FF7 Remake - Spike_8 - 05-10-2006

This topic has really changed after a couple post's here & there , but as far as it goes to redo FF7 well.............. Im a fan of the game ...infact yes it was the first RPG game I have ever played (go ahead bash me Rpg fans LOL) and one of the only ones I really enjoyed but to remake it with better graphic's would be foolish. My point being dont screw with the original , yea they could make it pretty for todays age but everything ages and it was a landmark of its time thus why ruin a gem. AC was a really innovative well thought out film that was just some desert for the avid fanboy , the crew didnt screw with anything , you could argue about the storyline being not your favorite but its safe to say its one of the best if not the best Videogame adaptation ever done! You really have to give credit to the creators because they designed there own CG program for the movie and really did their Homework (Acutally when your the makers of the game you dont really have to!) So I give props to the maker's and the film because it was decent and somthing that didnt ruin a franchise! The game was a Heartfelt story and the movie is just on that limb a human adaptation , realization , & all that goodstuff!

FF7 Remake - Cidien - 05-10-2006

Saying remaking something that would sell millions of copies is foolish is a rather... foolish statement. If you don't wanna play it you don't have to either. Similar to the appleseed movie. If you liked the original so much you wouldn't want a remake don't watch the new one.

Also, i'm surprised you said the topics changed so much. This thread has stayed amazingly on course compared to most 3 page threads here. I mean, we're still actually talking about a ff7 remake. The fact that AC and such would come up was a given.

FF7 Remake - Spike_8 - 05-10-2006

"Saying remaking something that would sell millions of copies is foolish is a rather... foolish statement"

As in they would be foolish not to do a remake if it would (and Will) sell boat loads of copies? I agree they must be seeing $$ in their eyes but I guess the question comes... the rumours been around for ages , there has been little to no real news on it , WHERE'S THE DAMB GAME ? With new additions to the 7 franchise does it really seem like there is actually goin to be a remake of 7? I guess only time will tell & well theres been lots wasted already! One thought could be along the lines the same as another post had stated that the changing of elements & battle systems from the original could really sour fans mouths along with any for of alteration to the much loved FF7. For this point maybe the maker's dont wana do it? But I doubt it Money is number 1

FF7 Remake - Cidien - 05-10-2006

I wouldn't say there's no news on it. The fact that they're making more ff7 related items is good news. The fact that they went from no there won't be a ff7 remake to saying it would be expensive and something they'd look into publicly is good news. The fact that game informer got reliable enough information to publish news on it is good. I don't think it's really a question of if they'll remake it. It's more a question of when and if they're even already working on it.

FF7 Remake - Elcoholic - 05-11-2006

I don't think they'll remake it any time soon now that they didn't mention it at the SE press conference. Plus SE has alot of other projects going for nintendo and sony.

I'd still be all for it though. Its been quite a while since I played the game so I'm ready to do it again in high def.

FF7 Remake - geo85 - 05-11-2006

I started playing through it again and was thinking that even though I think stuff like the battle system and materia and items and weapons should remain the same, a major graphical overhaul could do wonders for the game. The story was a great story but theres just something lacking, the character models have no real way of expressing emotion because they are blocky mouthless characters.
They could really have the characters express emotion and it would make the story that much better.
Though I am struggling with the idea of adding voice acting or staying true to the voice boxes.

Just imagine aeris actually being able to express what it feels like to be impaled with a 6 foot sword.

FF7 Remake - Cidien - 05-12-2006

They could always just use music and not have any audio like in the original cutscene. I think that would be best even if they added audio and she did a good job in that scene.

FF7 Remake - Cyrus - 05-12-2006

remaking a game when they change the graphics and throw in a few other things as bonus items or even change the music to sound better is totally fine with me

look at final fantasy origins yeah final fantasy 1 is great but its cool that you get a monster index and that you get some other things like the original japanese version difficulity. Thats not harming anything. Its almost like getting the special edition of the game whats wrong with that.

The problems begin when the game starts changing. Ive heard lets hear more about nibelhem or lets hear more about red XIII (nanaki) i think i spelled that right and so forth. But unless its something you get when you beat the game or secret items that teach you stuff i don't want there to be a whole new area with new weapons items and such i want a spiffy original version with extras. Now if you could go into the other sectors or midgar as a side quest i could maybe see it or something that adds but doesen't change the game in any big way maybe more games at the golden saucer then ok.

im just worried that if they do make a remake then it will have different dialog and different areas added in. And of course a whole new set of better then master materia and that sorta stuff.

If its not broken don't fix it but if you can just enhance some of the good features then go ahead. Id love to see a beautiful ff7 with voice acting symphony quality music and some high def graphics with some extras to teach you stuff about the game lying around and maybe something if you beat the game it gives you something cool. But leave all the fundamentals alone and if they do change them then make it so you see new stuff or kill new stuff but no new this or that and please please no new battle system

P.S. if they do use voice acting then i hope it will all be voice acting none of this special parts get voice acting that annoys the hell out of me. But yeah if they say nothing and its just music then leave it like that.

FF7 Remake - Cidien - 05-12-2006

If they do voice acting it's going to be high quality stuff.

Also, they could probably quite easily add more story extras to the game. Once crisis core comes out there's probably going to be more flashbacks they could easily add into 7. Stupid crisis core. Making me buy a psp.

FF7 Remake - geo85 - 05-12-2006

I agree wholeheartedly with what cyrus said.

FF7 Remake - geo85 - 05-17-2006

Just to make one final note of clarification, I did some digging and found exactly what was changed in the american release of FF7 from the Japan release. This is fact:

-The materia exchange system was added.

-The use of the select button to display screen exits and interactive points was added.

-Emerald and ruby weapon were added, because weapons that were mentioned never appeared in the original version.

-The entire zack flashback Nibelhiem sequence was added.

-Enemy encounter rates were reduced in all areas.

-Finally Jenova boss sequences and Sephiroth boss sequences were made more difficult, the reason is obvious.

Just as some DYK: Sephiroth's name comes from the Kaballah and represents a perfect state of self awareness and the highest level of the spiritual plane of which I believe there are nine levels.