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Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Printable Version

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Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Atomic Orgasm - 09-18-2003

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - kakomu - 09-18-2003

As your sig says:

Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
English, Motherfucker! Do you speak it?!

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - kakoi_sugoi_yama - 09-18-2003

LOL >_<

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - deriklarsen - 09-18-2003

waht uinevrttiy was taht you sapek of. i htae egnslih so i tnihk i wlil use tihs mroe otefn. tnakhs for the wrdos of wodism.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - deriklarsen - 09-18-2003

waht uinevrttiy was taht you sapek of. i htae egnslih so i tnihk i wlil use tihs mroe otefn. tnakhs for the wrdos of wodism.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Ka-Talliya - 09-18-2003

Taht is vrey stnage, stnaregly enoguh it's ture

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - kamykami - 09-18-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Taht is vrey stnage, stnaregly enoguh it's ture


Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Shinn Asuka - 09-18-2003

That's the third time today I've seen that!

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Zagatto - 09-18-2003

I've seen it trehe tmeis tdaoy as wlel.

It's fkcunig azinamg!

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - evilomar - 09-18-2003

I caught a catfish once! ohh shit wrong post... I mean I caught a catfish once.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - kakomu - 09-18-2003

After a while, it becomes hard to read...for me at least.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - DARK OSAMU - 09-18-2003

Hloy Siht tihs is garet!!!

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Ka-Talliya - 09-18-2003

For some reason, it's just second nature to me.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Tripp - 09-19-2003

Hey that's pretty cool.

Tihs is pterty iintgertseng..... - Lonely_monkey21 - 09-19-2003

I had no problem reading that stuff. Although I won't type it wrong for I spell too much wrong in the first place i"d just confuse myself in the end.