Just browsing the net when I came across this:
I know it's a mock up, but it looks pretty cool! Not sure if I would have Steven Dorff as Spike tho....
ok it worked, and in conclusion:
I wonder if it will be any good, even if it isnt I will still end up buying it though. :mrgreen: sad huh? I guess it will make people appreciate it more, but I think that a part of me just wants bebop to remain an anime.

Some people are freaking gullible

weatdrop: He even said it was a MOCK UP

I'm not a big fan of Cameron Diaz either. Maybe they should use like Alyssa Milano (if it was real that is).



weatdrop: it looks like gulibility funs in my family :mrgreen: .... that and heart attacks

Live action and anime don't mix.

yeah, but there was the ring.
What does the Ring have to do with anime??!!

I thought it was based on the anime ringu, or at least that was what I was told.
sorry, thats what I heard.

Isn't one of the rules Suza made : Research your arguments?...... :|